Extreme PSI :: Special offers

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Our special offers

Our special offers

At Extreme PSI, our rewards program is simple and painless: For every $100 you spend per order, you get $3 (NO LIMIT!) credited to your Extreme PSI Cash account which can be applied to your next online purchase. Being a member of the program also means that you will receive notification of special offers that may be exclusive to Extreme PSI members.

Bonus points are ONLY available for online purchases. Please be sure to sign in or register as a customer! All anonymous online checkout via Paypal Express/phone orders will NOT be valid.

Cash Reward Tiers:

Spend $100 and earn $3 in bonus points on your next order!
Spend $200 and earn $6 in bonus points on your next order!
Spend $300 and earn $9 in bonus points on your next order!
Spend $400 and earn $12 in bonus points on your next order!
Spend $500 and earn $15 in bonus points on your next order!
Spend $600 and earn $18 in bonus points on your next order!
Spend $700 and earn $21 in bonus points on your next order!
Spend $800 and earn $24 in bonus points on your next order!
Spend $900 and earn $27 in bonus points on your next order!
Spend $1000 and earn $30 in bonus points on your next order!